What is it like for a dad to go on the adoption journey? Well look no more the Adoptive Dad Playbook is here for adoptive, foster, biological, or father figures. Real talk for men on the adoption and parenting journey or have been on the adoption and parenting journey. Having honest and open conversation and experiences from dads that have walked through it before. I am a dad of 3 biological sons and in the process of adopting a girl. I am just a dad, tackling the world's problems one podcast at a time.
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Episode 3 "Multi-Multi Family" Guest Allen Tyger
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
International Adoption & Fostering is this episodes topics. In today's episode, we hear from foster & adoptive dad Allen Tyger. He shares the journey of fostering & adopting, along with being a Multi-Multi Racial Family and the challenges that go along with that. Sit back and relax and enjoy
Follow us on our socials on
Facebook: Adoptive Dad Playbook
Twitter: @adoptivedadpb
Instagram: adoptivedadplaybook
Mike Doran: www.thatsmikedoran.com (Intro and Closing)
Sara Morris: metalunagraphics@gmail.com (Artwork)
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Episode 2 "Out of Order" Les Londeen
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Adopting and fostering "Out of Order" birth order that is. In today's episode, we hear from foster, adoptive & biological dad Leslie Londeen. He shares the journey of fostering & adopting along with the struggles and the successes of the journey.
Mike Doran: www.thatsmikedoran.com
Sara Morris: metalunagraphics@gmail.com
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Episode 1 "Pre-Game Introductions"
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Welcome to the Adoptive Dad Playbook. A new Podcast for adoptive, foster, possibly adopting, step, grandpas, coaches, father figures and dads. This is a place where we learn from others who have been a part of the foster & adoptive journey. In this episode the host will share his adoption journey so far. Sara Morris: metalunagraphics@gmail.com